Construction Site Delivery: How to Succeed

Alobees explains everything about a successful construction site delivery. Follow this method of site delivery to better protect yourself.

Erwan Baynaud
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Construction Site Delivery: How to Succeed

You have invested time, money, and resources in your construction project. Then comes the construction delivery stage. How to guarantee a smooth transition and the satisfaction of the project owner? Let's discover the best practices together for a trouble-free reception.

What is construction site delivery?

The delivery of the site symbolizes the official ownership of the construction by the project owner. It takes place after the work has been received.


Construction site delivery refers to the moment when The Company Officially Hands Over the Finished Work to the Project Owner, thus marking its effective transfer for its use and exploitation. It generally takes place after the work has been received.

If reservations were expressed during this reception, they must be removed before actual delivery. If the reservations are not corrected in the allotted time, the company may be sanctioned or sued. After the reserves were removed, the construction site was delivered.

Here are the objectives of the delivery of the construction site:

  • Contractual closure: Act finalizing the reciprocal obligations between the implementing company and the project owner, excluding guarantees.
  • Administrative closure: full delivery of the required documents, certificates and certifications to the contracting authority.
  • Commissioning of the structure: Certificate that the project owner is entitled to fully use the work carried out.
  • Activation of legal guarantees: Interlocking guarantees such as the guarantee of perfect completion, the guarantee of good functioning and the ten-year guarantee.
  • Certificate of compliance with contractual requirements: Ensure that the work carried out fully meets the criteria and specifications defined in the market.

Minutes of Perfect Completion

The report of perfect completion is signed by all parties once the reservations in the receipt report have been removed. It marks the final end of the project and The Start of Legal Guarantees. It is the confirmation that the work is fully in line with the expectations of the project owner and that there are no more disorders to correct.

Here is a reminder of the legal guarantees triggered by the minutes:

  • Guarantee of perfect completion: Requires the company to repair all the disorders reported during the reception or that appeared in the following year.
  • Guarantee of proper functioning: covers equipment components that can be separated from construction for two years.
  • 10-year warranty: Covers damage that compromises the solidity or makes the structure unsuitable for its intended purpose for 10 years.

The signing of the report of perfect completion also triggers the invoicing of the services of companies.

The delivery of a construction site in 5 steps

The delivery of the site therefore signals the end of the work and the start of the operation of the structure. Each step must be meticulously followed to meet the expectations of the project owner. Here are the details.

1) Summon your customer

At the end of your project, it is essential to inform the project owner. The first step is to set a date for the site visit.

An invitation mentioning this date must be sent By registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt. This serves as proof in case the project owner does not respond.

In your letter, it is important to:

  • Indicate the purpose of the post-construction visit;
  • List the achievements to be reviewed.

Ensure that the customer has received and read the invitation to ensure a smooth visit.

2) Carry out an inventory of the site

Before welcoming the contractor, carefully inspect the site. It likes to Identify possible imperfections or non-conformities, while identifying the companies associated with these possible reserves.

The aim of this approach is to:

  • Offer a precise overview of the current state of the structure,
  • Confirm the conformity of the set with the contract,
  • Target and alert the companies concerned for prompt correction.

Companies must clearly specify the scope of their services to avoid requirements from the contracting authority that go beyond the specifications.

3) Sign the work acceptance report

During the visit with the project owner, a work acceptance report is drawn up. This document lists all observations, reservations and remarks of the customer. It also attests to the conformity of the work carried out.

There are three possible scenarios. The project owner can:

  • Validate the site without reservation;
  • Write reservations in the PV, but still sign it;
  • Consider that the defects are too important and refuse to accept the construction site.

Once signed by both parties, the acceptance report officially marks the end of the work.

4) Proceed with the lifting of reservations

After the signing of the minutes, The Construction Company is responsible for dealing with the reserves Issued by the project owner. A period of time, generally specified in the contract, is allowed for these corrections.

The lifting of reservations is essential because it ensures the conformity of the structure with the customer's expectations. By treating each reservation efficiently, the company confirms its commitment to quality work.

5) Carry out the DAACT

The DAACT, or Declaration Attesting the Completion and Compliance of the Works, is an administrative document Who Attests to the End of the Work and Its Compliance compared to current standards. It is essential to obtain certain authorizations, such as connecting to networks or otherwise premises. It is to be delivered to the town hall of the place of construction.

How can construction site deliveries be optimized?

Optimizing site deliveries is essential to ensure customer satisfaction, meet deadlines and control costs. Here are a few ways to do this:

Analyze current construction delivery processes

To optimize site delivery, methodically record each step and use technological tools for accurate monitoring. Careful documentation provides an overview that allows you to quickly identify areas for improvement.

Alobees, available on mobiles, tablets and computers, allows you to constantly have access to essential construction site documents. This organization underlines the making of informed decisions, the forecasting of problems and ensures delivery in accordance with the expectations of the contracting authority.

Involve Teams in the Reflection

Field teams, receiving regular training, are a mine of information. Their expertise is essential to identify areas for improvement. It is therefore important to set up mechanisms to gather their feedback and suggestions.

Alobees allows the integration of your employees, to encourage them to communicate their point of view. It is possible to choose the functionalities to which they have access, according to their position as work manager, team leader, or even worker.

Identify current issues

With an in-depth analysis of your processes and using the right tools, you can quickly identify the sticking points, whether they are delays, defects or communication problems.

The Alobees intervention management function offers a real-time view of the agenda of your employees. The task sheets module allows them to record their work from day to day. Each entry is then validated by the construction manager, ensuring rapid intervention if necessary.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Automation reduces errors caused by human intervention and ensures better consistency in the execution of tasks. It also frees up time for your employees, encouraging them to focus on the essential aspects of their work and to provide significant added value.

Alobees simplifies administrative management by reducing some of the required tasks.

Establish Realistic Schedules in Advance of the Work

A well-designed calendar is essential to better plan your projects. Given the frequent unforeseen events in construction projects, it is important to review and adjust these schedules regularly to keep them relevant.

The Alobees planning feature allows you to plan interventions in one click, from your web or mobile application. It allows you to organize human and material resources according to your needs.

Strengthen communication during the construction site

To improve communication on construction sites, a two-way approach is essential. It is not only about informing, but also about listening to the teams. By using tools, you can Optimize site monitoring, thus guaranteeing a smooth and responsive interaction, and avoiding misunderstandings and delays.

Alobees reinforces this collaboration through its sharing options and project-based news feeds. Communication with workers is facilitated.

Use Alobees to improve your construction site deliveries

Alobees is designed to facilitate the management of your construction sites. With this solution, maintain control and ensure the close monitoring of each phase of your projects in real time.

Here are some features of the software for perfect control and easier delivery of construction sites:


  • Centralization: Gather implementation plans, daily monitoring reports, meeting minutes, safety instructions, or compliance certificates.
  • All terrain access: Whether you are on the construction site, in the office or on the go.


  • Communication: Sharing Tools and News Feeds for Each Project
  • Scheduling: Optimized management of human and material resources.
  • Task tracking: Careful control of the progress of work.

Operational management

  • Interventions: Real-time vision of the employee agenda and editing of intervention reports.
  • Timesheets: With supervision of hours to control costs.
  • Payroll variables: efficient retrieval of employee salary data on site (shopping cards, trips, etc.).

Construction professionals need precision and efficiency. Alobees meets these requirements. Test it for 30 days and see how it can become an essential tool for your business.

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