The GTA: time and activity management in the construction industry

In construction, time and activity management (GTA) is a fundamental parameter. It must be optimized to ensure the profitability of construction sites. Here are some tips for better coordinating field teams, keeping track of hours worked, and staying on budget.

Erwan Baynaud
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The GTA: time and activity management in the construction industry

In construction, time and activity management (GTA) is a fundamental parameter. It must be optimized to ensure the profitability of construction sites. Here are some tips for better coordinating field teams, keeping track of hours worked, and staying on budget.

Definition of GTA in construction

Time and activity management in construction, or GTA, is a set of practices aimed at optimize the organization and monitoring of construction sites by a company. It includes scheduling tasks, tracking hours worked, managing absences and holidays, and preparing payroll.

The GTA aims to improve the efficiency and productivity of construction sites. It plays an important role in deliver a project on time, while respecting budgets and quality standards.

The challenges of time and activity management

The GTA therefore pursues several interconnected goals. It concerns both construction sites and administrative services.

Plan construction sites and assign workers

The GTA makes it possible to precisely coordinate operations on construction sites. This involves not only the assignment of human resources, according to their skills and availability, but also Management of contingencies.

Planning takes multiple variables into account. For example:

  • Staff availability: Scheduling management should take into account vacations, sick leave and other forms of absences.
  • Skills and qualifications of workers: the tasks are assigned according to the specialties of each. This makes it possible to optimize quality and efficiency on the construction site.
  • Coordination between teams and subcontractors: the interventions are organized to prevent any duplication and to ensure the smooth running of the project.
  • Project deadline monitoring: the progress of the work is regularly monitored to ensure compliance with deadlines and to adjust the schedule if necessary.
  • Compliance with labor regulations: Compliance with standards related to schedules, breaks and safety measures is essential for the well-being of employees and compliance with legal obligations.
  • Weather conditions: activities are adapted according to climate forecasts to reduce their impact on the progress of the project.

Know the working hours

Beyond simply accounting for hours, knowing exactly how time is allocated on each project allows better profitability analysis.

It is necessary to determine if the time invested on certain tasks exceeds expectations and Understand the reasons. They may be related to initial underestimation, operational inefficiencies, or unexpected events.

This analytical dimension helps to adjust future estimates and to optimize work on the construction site.

Manage absences and holidays

Unplanned absences or time off can disrupt the progress of a project. The GTA therefore requires not only an effective monitoring and approval system but also an ability to react quickly to reconfigure resource allocations.

The challenge is to find the right balance between the flexibility needed to adapt schedules, and the rigor required to maintain delivery times and the quality of work.

Manage payroll effectively

Payroll management in the construction industry is not limited to counting the hours worked. It involves taking into account the payroll variables, dictated by legal regulations, collective agreements, and specific contractual agreements. They include, among others:

Accuracy is essential to prevent errors that can lead to disputes, affect team morale, or cause legal penalties.

The good management of variables also makes it possible to ensure fairness and compliance in the treatment of salaries. It also improves the overall financial management of the company.

The solutions offered by Alobees for your GTA

Alobees is a site monitoring software developed for construction companies, accessible on PCs, tablets and mobiles. It is distinguished by its versatility and offers a complete solution that covers GTA in particular.

Simplified site planning

Alobees offers a complete digital planning. It makes team organization more intuitive:

  • Simplified planning: the software allows you to assign tasks in a few clicks and to monitor progress in real time (Learn more).
  • Facilitated communication: Private notes and notifications allow each team member to be notified of important updates.

Precise monitoring of working times

Tracking hours worked is essential for payroll management. Alobees offers tools for more precise control:

  • Timesheets: the use of the software reduces paperwork and facilitates the validation of hours (Learn more).
  • ERP connector: Alobees allows the integration of data into your ERP software.

Automated payroll preparation

Automation is finally making it easier to payroll preparation. The application saves construction companies a significant amount of time:

  • Simplified setup: Employee pay variables can be set up in a few clicks.
  • Periodic summaries: The software allows you to check the hours and payroll items per employee. It also provides an overview of the budget in relation to the time spent on each site.

Alobees can save up to 5 days of work per month, depending on the size of the business. Try it free for 14 days and see for yourself!

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